Thursday, February 14, 2008

A Brief History of Love

Valentine’s day is here, a day for lovers young and old. From stolen glances and fleeting exchanges from admirers to the golden love of ages. For those disposed to finding the root of things the reason for this occasion remains a mystery. Little is known of either of the Saints known as valentine.

Anti-globalists will be disappointed to find that Valentine’s day is not the invention of Hallmark, or any other of the global greeting giants. The beginnings of the day have been traced to a short story by Chaucer, often cited as the first great writer to make use of the English language as opposed to the latin favoured by early scholars. The story described a fictional practice of exchange of letters among lovers. This struck a chord with readers of the day and the practice caught on.

Beginning with hand written letters eventually advances in the steam driven press made prewritten cards an affordable option for those too shy or ineloquent to express their love in their own voice. The practice has caught on throughout the western world with valentines day marking the third biggest calendar gifting occasion.

For those determined to find they hand of capitalism it may do to look to asia where the developmentof in a twist, girls are expected to give ohjugd-choko, or obligation chocolates to men in and around their office.

It is likely that some of our valentine traditions were drawn February pagan harvest festivals. After feasting and dancing the mayflower pole, the young women of the village would draw the names of young men from a basket. That would be their partner for the year at many events and festivities. Often these pairings would lead to marriage. While we no longer rely on chance to choose our own partners it is gratifying to know that this day continues to pair folks around the world.